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Helping British Drivers since 2009

Get Instant Access to Specially Selected Speeding Solicitors in England & Wales

If you’re looking for a top Speeding Solicitor, we've done the hard work for you by finding some of the best, with a significant discount:

DriveProtect™ Members Get:

  • Access to Hand PickedSpeeding Solicitors
  • At a significantly Discounted Cost
  • Your case Overturned Before Court (if possible)
  • Representation at Court (if not possible)
  • Target of Acquittal or Mitigation

Find a Speeding Solicitor

Fire over your details and we'll be in touch with how we can help:

01843 232 791

Over 1000

Drivers helped 

Since 2009

Since 2009




Success rate for 

speeding tickets


For DriveProtect™ 


Access to Speeding Lawyers at a Fraction of the cost

Dear British Motorist,

There’s more than one way of hiring a Speeding Lawyer to give you legal advice and to represent you at Court…

DriveProtect was founded in 2009 to give access to top quality speeding lawyers for drivers accused of a motoring offence such as breaking the speed limit at a fraction of the cost of going direct.

Whether you’ve been stopped by a police officer, received a speeding ticket (NIP) or have been summonsed to attend Magistrates Court, you’ve come to the right place.

The last thing you want is a disqualification from driving and a big fine, and the lawyers we contract with to represent Members are experts are making sure this doesn’t happen.*

  * of course there are no guarantees in life but check out my own personal experience using our speeding lawyers to illustrate a typical case

Motoring Law

Motoring law is a complex field and if you want to keep your driving licence — and ideally have your speeding charge overturned — we strongly suggest using a proven and recommended firm of Speeding Solicitors to represent you.

Using a speeding lawyer can be very expensive for the “average” person, but DriveProtect has been set up to give everyone access to top quality speeding offence solicitors.

If you already have penalty points on your driving licence in England and Wales, it’s even more imperative to choose the right legal representation.

If you’ve been caught speeding on a speed camera, or received another road traffic offence NIP, it’s important to get in touch as soon as possible so that the Lawyers have plenty of time to review your case and prepare you’re defence.

The very best case scenario is that the speeding ticket can be overturned before ever reaching court on some occasions.

Get in touch with us with the speed alleged and any other information.

We are here to help!

You can find out about exactly why DriveProtect is a better option than going to a “normal” speeding lawyer here.

Or if you’re ready to get started with your defence or have questions, call.

We don’t use a call centre so if we’re on another line, just leave a message with your number and we’ll call you back!

As A DriveProtect Member, You Get The Following Benefits:

We contract with a carefully chosen firm of specialist Road Traffic Lawyers who provide Members with Legal Advice and Representation at Court when necessary.

When you receive a Speeding Ticket or Summons from a Fixed or Mobile Speed Camera, or if you are stopped for Speeding by the Police:

1) Call the specialist Road Traffic Lawyers when you receive a Speeding Ticket in England or Wales (unlimited access)

The Lawyers will work with you to establish if the are any issues with the way in which the evidence of the offence was obtained and if any procedural errors have occurred.

If there has been any procedural error then they will advise you on how to liaise with the Safety Camera Partnership or Police to try to ensure that the ticket is overturned before ever reaching Court.

They will also work with you to discover if there is doubt that the alleged offence actually happened, or if there is doubt about who was driving. If there is, they will present this evidence to the Camera Partnership or Police and try to have the ticket overturned before reaching Court.

2) Representation at Court (excess applies)

Where you believe that you are innocent, there is doubt over the identity of the driver, or are guilty and wish to claim “mitigating circumstances” in order to keep your licence, the Lawyers will prepare your case and represent you at Court with a view to obtaining the absolute best outcome.

We have numerous helpful articles with advice on speeding lawyers and speeding tickets that can all be accessed from our Speeding Ticket Articles page.

To Become a Member, or discuss becoming a Member, call:

How to Become a DriveProtect™ Member

You can call us at 01843 232 791 or contact us online, and we’ll get in touch to answer any questions and sign you up as a Member.

If you have questions about joining, our Membership Advisors will gladly assist. We don’t make high-pressure sales – we are here to help existing and future Members with your speeding fines.

Adam Blair


Adam Blair founded ‘Beat The Speed Trap’ (BTST), a brand of Speed Camera Location devices in 2004. Subsequently acquired the second biggest company in that market, Talex, in 2008, with more than 90,000 users in the United Kingdom. In 2009, Adam founded DriveProtect Limited which counts thousands of Members in the UK.